Camping in the Potato State (Idaho)!

November 11, 2015Campground Reviews & AdventuresNo Comments

Our first stop in the Potato State was at a COE campground called Riley Creek.

It’s not far from the towns of Priest River and Sandpoint and you have to stop here. It is that good.

The 67 sites are mostly on the reservation system but there are a few that cater to the impulsive camper. $25 with hookups. Good deal.

Freddy liked the pet area.

I liked the view of the Pend Oreille River. It’s pronounced Pon Duh Ray. Silly French.

I think it is part of the lake but the rangers claim this is technically part of the river below Albeni Dam. Whatever. Looks like a lake to me.

Freddy shows off the beach, ignoring the sign.

He never went on the beach, but he did sniff it.

Our campsite was the best one, number 64.

I was there during the midweek after Labor Day, but all of the reservable spots were booked for the following weekend, including mine.

Funny story.

I thought my little bear cub Freddy had somehow slipped his leash when I saw this furry creature ramble by my campsite.

I had my wide angle lens on the camera so I apologize for the blow up crop below.

Not my bear cub.

A spring cub from last year. I tried to get him to stop but since I had no tacos to offer he just kept going.

Another crop pic.

When I walk Freddy he looks just like that from the rear except for the ears. Maybe with some straws and duct tape and I could scare some campers and pilfer their picnic baskets…nah. Leave that to Yogi Bear.

It is the same bear just the different angles of the sun and shade. Another camper, after viewing the pics on my camera at first tried to claim it was a rare cinnamon bear. I told Freddy to nibble his toe and he went away.

All the sites are great here. Some more examples are 11 and 45.

The campground also offers a feature that should be at every campground so folks don’t have to sneak their dirty dishes into the restroom to clean them. You know who you are.

How about dual sinks with hot water just for that purpose?

Perfect! And stainless steel to boot.

We left and headed east.

Ended up at Sam Owen about 25 miles away.

The campground was nothing special, mainly open sites with no understory. Freddy was entranced by all the deer however.

The beach is what makes this place very popular.

From there we headed south to Round Lake State Park.

The 51 sites here fill up all summer long, so make reservations or just go in the off season like we did.

There is a cool bog trail that somehow reminded me of my sister.

Freddy loved the trail and all the smells.

He always looks back to make sure that I am following him. Then bounds off. I feel like a parent of a rambunctious toddler as they check the boundaries of acceptable behavior.

Half the sites have hookups and half don’t. Funny coincidence.

We stayed in site 20.

Other examples are 1 and 36.

A nice beach and a round lake make this spot a winner.

Then it was off to the Big Kahuna in the Idaho Panhandle.

Farragut used to be a military training base decades ago and has morphed into one of the most popular parks in Idaho. There are 4 campgrounds spread along 3 miles near the shore of Lake Coeur D’Alene. Waldron, Snowberry, and Gilmore offer hookups. Whitetail nada. Idaho is also one of those states that charges out of state visitors that bring in millions of tourism dollars more money to camp than locals. This crap needs to stop. Maine and New York are guilty as well.

It rained off and on while we spent three days camping there.

Sunny when we arrived and walked Waldron, which actually has three loops.

Favorite sites were 167, 177, and 212 out of 69 choices, but most are fine.

Yes, the bear cub has followed me from Riley Creek, but now he is on a leash. For now.

Snowberry has 44 sites and Freddy gave his, umm, approval 110, 12, and 134.

Whitetail has 61 spots.

Our picks were 7, 23, and 48.

Gilmore has just 43 sites.

It is more like Waldron with open paved campsites like 306, 311, and 334.

The stormy view over the lake was neat.

Freddy didn’t care, he liked the fields and trails.

And that’s our report from Idaho!

Regards and happy camping, Park Ranger

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