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Panamint City: Camping in a Remote Ghost Town

If you’ve ever wanted to pitch a tent and camp in a ghost town, then Panamint City in Death Valley National Park may be the ticket.  Panamint City isn’t your run of the mill roadside ghost town tourist attraction. It’s located in a remote section of the Panamint Range and requires a strenuous hike to reach it, but that’s half the fun! You also don’t need a permit to hike or a camping reservation.

Panamint City: Camping in a Remote Ghost Town -1

The first stop on your adventure will be the ghost town of Ballarat. It’s located in the Panamint Valley of the Mojave Desert (just outside of Death Valley National Park).  There’s not much there now, but in its day it was bustling with gold prospectors, had a few saloons, hotels, stores, a post office and a school.  Today you’ll see a few crumbling ruins, a small “trading post” and a few derelict vehicles.  One of the vehicles is Charlie Manson’s old truck. His little cult following use to hole up at a ranch about 10 miles away.

Panamint City: Camping in a Remote Ghost Town 2

Panamint City: Camping in a Remote Ghost Town 3

“The new town of Ballarat was now the gathering place for Panamint Range miners, prospectors, and the Indian community. The Fourth of July celebration in the year 1897 was replete with foot races, hammer and stone-throwing, burro and horse racing, giant powder salutes and also a grand tug of war, in which every male inhabitant and visitor to the place, Indians included, took part, save one who from his immense size and strength was debarred from either side and officiated as referee.”  – National Park Service / Park History

Charlie Manson’s Truck – So We’re Told

Panamint City: Camping in a Remote Ghost Town

And we know it’s Manson’s truck because of the white stars he painted on the ceiling.

Panamint City: Camping in a Remote Ghost Town

From Ballarat you’ll take a dirt road up to Surprise Canyon. There’s a large parking area there that was the former location of Chris Wicht camp and also the Novak home (now just ruins).

Road to Surprise Canyon Trailhead

Panamint City - Road to Surprise Canyon Parking Area

Surprise Canyon Trailhead ParkingPanamint City - Surprise Canyon Parking Area

Ruins of Novak Home (overnight camping is permitted).

Panamint City - Novak Home Ruins

The Hike to Panamint City

Do not underestimate the difficulty of the Surprise Canyon trail to Panamint City.  Although the hike to the ghost town is a relatively short 5 ½ miles one way trip, the trail is continuously steep with an elevation gain of 3,675 feet. You also need to factor in climbing through waterfalls in the narrows, making your way through areas of thick brush, time spent backtracking when not taking the correct route, and time spent hiking in the creek.

The narrows section of Surprise Canyon.

Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Narrows

The trailhead is next to the parking lot at an elevation of about 2,600 feet. After about 1/4 mile you’ll come to the trail register and then reach the bottom of Surprise Canyon falls after another 1/2 mile. From there the canyon narrows and the trail winds through a few stretches of thick brush. You’ll also follow Surprise Creek for the first few miles. It flows all year and in the spring you may have a few challenging creek crossings, including scrambling up and over water falls.

Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Trail 1 Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Trail 2

The next part of the hike climbs 4,000 feet to Limekiln Spring. Keep an eye out for those cairns as the trail does get a little difficult to follow through the brush. Staying close to the creek is usually your best bet.  After the spring, the trail continues up another mile through a tunnel of trees to Brewery Spring.   This is your last water source so fill up those canteens! Brewery Spring was actually once a brewery located back in the days of Panamint City’s boom.

Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Trail 3

Tunnel through the trees.

Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Trail 4

From Brewery Springs you make your final push up to the ghost town at 6,300 feet. The trail continues up the old town road and you’ll have little shade the rest of the way to Panamint City. Soon after Marvel Canyon, you should see the tall red smelter stack of Panamint City.  Along the way you’ll also pass by some ruins of stone cabins built by the miners.

Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Trail 5

It’s also a good idea to do this hike in the spring or fall. Summer temps will exceed 100+ degrees and it will get quite cold in the winter.Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Trail 5

Panamint City - Surprise Canyon Trail - Smelter

The stone cabin ruins are located at the base of the hillside below rock falls. The miners chose these locations so they could easily get the stones to build their homes.

Panamint City - Stone Cabin Ruins

The remaining smelter stack at Panamint City.

Panamint City - Surprise Canyon View

Once you arrive, you’ll probably swing in to the “Panamint Hilton”. This is the largest and “best” of the extremely rustic cabins. It has a delightfully old queen bed mattress in the back room and a few single cots in the front room. There’s also a kitchen area and old bathroom. Nothing in the kitchen or bathroom work (no water or electricity). You’ll also find some reading material and log book.  Additional space is available in the front room to sleep. There’s also a metal fire place (that is functional). Oh, and you’ll be sharing the cabin with many little critters.

Panamint Hilton with the ‘Butler’ out front.

Panamint City - Hilton Outside

A view inside Panamint Hilton cabin.

Panamint City - Hilton Inside

There are also a couple of other cabins (“Overflow Hippie Cabin” and “The Castle”), but they are in really bad shape. As with the Hilton, none of these cabins have water or electricity.  Tent camping (outside) is also an option and there are many places to make camp and spend the night.

The Overflow Hippie Cabin (pictured below) is probably one of the most haunted buildings in the ghost town. And yes, those are authentic ‘ghost orbs’ floating toward the ceiling (just inside the door).

Panamint City - Hippie Cabin

The Castle Cabin has seen better days.

Panamint City - Castle Cabin

Exploring Panamint City

You can probably spend a day or two exploring all of the ruins and mines in the area. You may also notice some artifacts and graffiti from when hippies use to live in here in the 1960s and 1970s.

Panamint City - view

Panamint City - Ruins

Panamint City - Ruins 2

“By 1897 new placer locations had been found on the east side of the Panamints, panning $30 to $40 per day. The central Panamints were still quiet, Panamint City now containing but two residents, sole witnesses to the steady decay of the town’s large stores, saloons, and billiard halls full of furniture. The only operating business was a large, fully-stocked hardware and implement store selling goods to miners at incredibly low prices. Several mills in the vicinity full of machinery were idle.”National Park Service / Park History

Panamint City - Ruins View

There are several day-hike options in the area including Sourdough Canyon, Water Canyon, Marvel Canyon, the Wyoming Mine, and the Hemlock Mine.  The Wyoming Mine can be reached by taking the old mine road/trail from Panamint City. It’s about a mile to the mine with a 1,000 foot elevation gain. The Hemlock Mine is accessed via the old mining road/trail in Marvel Canyon. It’s about 2.3 miles from Panamint City with a climb of about 1,500 feet.

More ambitious hikes are available to Panamint Pass, Sentinel Peak and even Telescope Peak (the highest point in Death Valley National Park at 11,331 feet).

Hiking up to Wyoming Mine

One of the highlights of our trip was hiking up to the Wyoming Mine. The trail (below) is the old mine road and starts at Panamint City.

Panamint City - Wyoming Mine Trail

The Wyoming Mine is about 1,000 feet above the ghost town and has two (main) portals (entrances). The higher portal has the fun stuff (see below)!

Panamint City - Wyoming Mine View

There’s equipment both inside and outside the mine. This is a view just outside the higher portal.

Panamint City - Wyoming Mine Equipment

Panamint City - Wyoming Mine Entrance

The rail system is still (more or less) in place. This shaft goes back about 1/4 mile.

Panamint City - Wyoming Mine Shaft

You can actually sit in this oar cart and go for a ride (for about 30-40 feet). It’s not Thunder Mountain (at Disneyland), but still pretty cool.

Panamit City - Wyoming Mine Oar Cart Inside

Exploring a mine is dangerous business and although this one is relatively safe, mind the vertical shaft that goes straight down about 100 feet.

Panamint City - Wyoming Mine Vertical Shaft

And it would probably be a good idea not to steady yourself by putting your hand on the mine’s ceiling. You might wake up a sleeping bat family. Please don’t disturb the wildlife or take any artifacts.

Panamint City - Wyoming Mine Bats

Panamint City Tent Campsites

You can stay in a cabin or pitch a tent anywhere in the Panamint City area. There are a few areas that are a bit more level and even have fire rings and chairs.  The following photos are of the 5 best tent camping areas:

Hilton Garden – Campsite #1

Panamint City Campsite 1

Surprise View – Campsite #2

Panamint City Campsite 2

Smelter Bluff – Campsite #3

Panamint City Campsite 3

The Junkyard – Campsite #4Panamint City Campsite 4

Smelter Fall Zone – Campsite #5

Panamint City Campsite 5

The good old days at Panamint City.

Panamint City - Poster

Directions to Panamint City Trailhead

From Highway 395,  hang a right on Trona Road (between the towns of Red Mountain and Johannesburg). Continue on about 21 miles then turn right on Highway 178 (Trona Road). This will take your through Trona and soon after the road becomes Trona Wildrose Road.  From Trona it’s about 21 miles to Ballarat Road. Turn right and in about 3.5 miles you’ll pull into Ballarat ghost town. Turn left on Indian Ranch Road and stop in at the Ballarat Trading Post for a few minutes. Continue on Indian Ranch Road for about 2 miles then turn right on Surprise Canyon Road. There’s also another turn off to Surprise Canyon Road at 1.4 miles. Continue on about 4 miles to the Chris Wicht Camp parking area.

Does Bigfoot roam Death Valley National Park?

One last thing to mention is that during our hike up to the Wyoming Mine we noticed a peculiar “track” in the snow at around 7,000 feet in elevation. The track was about 14-15 inches long and the only one in the small snow patch on the trail. It’s not a foot print from a human, bear or cougar.  Maybe it’s just a random pattern created by melting snow. What do you think?

Bigfoot Print - Panamint City

9 Replies to “Panamint City: Camping in a Remote Ghost Town”

  1. Mark Bohannan says:

    Just wondering if you are (or know anyone) planning to make a trip back to Panamint City anytime soon? I need some photos taken for me if possible. Thank you, Mark Bohannan

  2. I saw a recent video that showed The Castle in really good condition, compared to this article – when was this article written? Seems like a fellow named Rob Tyler and his son Brett spent a lot of time up there; at some point Brett (20 y/o) passed away due to a blood clot, and Rob did a lot of repair work up there as it was a special place to them. I’ve had a hard time finding info on this, other than what was briefly mentioned in the video from April 2022. Rob left a note in May 2018 stating why he did the work.

    • Hi Dave,
      We were up there about a year ago (March, 2021). You can also watch a video we produced on our trip on YouTube: https://youtu.be/lti8dDKuGrQ
      Not sure if “The Castle” is the same as “Panamint City Hilton” (pictured below), but it wasn’t in bad shape. We slept in it. There are a few wire-framed cots and and old bed/mattress in the back room. The wood stove appears to be functional. Fairly clean, only a few critters crawling around at night, roof in good shape. No running water though. The other ‘cabins’ are in very bad shape . . . but still standing!
      Panamint City Hilton
      I recommend hiking up there and spending a night!

      • On 4/17/22 the YouTube channel Ghost Town Living posted a video of this hike, and the Castle from his video is definitely different from the one in your picture. The castle is in great shape and was rebuilt, finishing in 2018. The story is in the video, I highly recommend checking it out, and the Ghost Town Living channel in general. His video is the only reason I’m here now.

      • Thanks Brad! And yes, I’m aware of Brent, his videos (Ghost Town Living) and his great work at Cerro Gordo. Panamint City is not as impressive as Cerro Gordo (ghost town), but the hike is beautiful and still some cool things to see up there. You can also do a through-hike, up and over Panamint Pass into Death Valley. The really ambitious can also hike from Panamint City to Telescope Peak (the highest mountain in Death Valley at 11,043). All good stuff!

  3. Greetings, thanks for sharing. It’s been years since I’ve been to this area. I do remember an old road that went all the way? And a old ghost town with an old post office, store etc. I also remember a catchment pond. As well.

    • Hi Dave,
      Yes, the Panamint City area is a really cool place to visit if you’re up for the hike. The “road” no longer goes to the old town. You’ll need to park your vehicle at the Suprise Canyon trailhead (Chris Wicht Camp Parking Area) and hike about 6 miles to reach the ghost town. There isn’t a post office there, but you will find a few cabins, mining ruins/relics and amazing scenery.

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