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Cooking Tips for the RV Traveler

Whether you’re new to the world of RVing or a seasoned pro everyone has one thing in common—we all have to eat. I contend, that with a little bit of planning you can do more than just eat, you can transform breakfast, lunch, and dinner into meals that are not only delicious but easy to put together.

My partner, John, and I love to travel and camp. In the spring of 2019, we bought a 27’, Tommy Bahama, Airstream, we call her Smitten. One of our favorite places to camp is along the Russian River in Northern California where mornings find me on the water.

Paddling the Russian River

Cooking Tips for the RV Traveler - Russian RiverRussian River RV is a nice Thousand Trails campground along the river by Cloverdale, CA.

There is no greater peace than paddling atop my stand-up paddle board watching seals swim past and the eagles glide overhead. Later, there are trails to amble down, paintings to be created, and naps to be had in the hammock, all things that beckon the explorer to be in the moment. Although we both love to cook, it didn’t take us long to realize that we would rather spend our time outside exploring our surroundings than in the Airstream kitchen, as nice as it is.

“Smitten” – Our Airstream Trailer

Cooking Tips for the RV Traveler - Airstream

Because the days you are camping fill up quickly, and no one, least of all me, wants to forego fun to prepare a meal, I wrote a cookbook, A Moveable Feast, Recipes for Rolling Kitchens.  Gathered in the self-illustrated pages are not only helpful tips, but over 100 recipes that will transform any level cook into a veritable chef.

Cooking Tips for the RV Traveler - - A moveable Feast

Armed with, A Moveable Feast, Recipes for Rolling Kitchens, you will learn how to stock the pantry of your rolling kitchen, find indispensable tools for food prep, and, best of all, have loads of recipes that include make-ahead fixings at your fingertips, so you can spend more time unwinding while on vacation and less time cooking. In my pantry essentials section you will find recipes for some pantry basics that you can make ahead and jar or freeze for later use. Take one of those basics and use it in a recipe further along in the cookbook. For example make the Tikka Masala sauce below ahead of time and use it later for a quick chicken Masala on the road, or make the entire dish ahead of time and freeze for later use.

Cooking Tips for the RV Traveler -Recipe

Cooking Tips for the RV Traveler - chicken

Cooking Tips for the RV Traveler - Recipe 2

Claudia Jack Sutton is a gourmet cook and artist living in Northern California with her partner, John Stave. They are members of the WBCCI Greater Bay Area Airstream Club and enjoy joining other ‘steamers’ at rallies. Claudia is a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design. When not out camping, she works in the wine industry in Dry Creek Valley, in Sonoma. You can find her on Instagram@smittentheairstream and on Facebook@Recipesforrollingkitchens. To purchase her cookbook go to www.recipesforrollingkitchens.com

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